D2. Payroll Management
• One time set up
a. Setting up of Company profile
b. Configuration of Payroll system
c. Coding and Reports Set up
d. Bank GIRO Set up
e. Employee data creation/migration
f. E-payslip Set up
• Monthly Processing e.g.
a. New employee update
b. Resignee update
c. Pay revision/adjustment update
d. Employee monthly recurring allowances
e. Monthly employee non-recurring allowances, reimbursement & claims
f. Unpaid leave deduction
g. Employee personal particulars changes update
h. Employee bank account change update
i. Standardized Payroll Reports from system
j. GIRO file generation for crediting into employee bank account
k. E-Payslip generation to individual email account
l. Statutory contributions submission (i.e. CPF, SDL and voluntary donations etc)
• Year End Tax Return Processing (IR8A/IR8E) e.g.
a. IRAS e-submission processing
b. Filing of tax return (auto inclusion)
c. Assist in employee tax clarifications raised by IRAS
d. Form IR8S, Appendix 8A & Appendix 8B
For more information please call +65 6222 3310 ext 510 or email us at hrc@primestaff.com.sg