A timely cyber safeguard
The Business TimesView From The Top
Published: 9th Feb 2015
What should be the top priorities of Singapore’s new Cyber Security Agency?
I AM actually a little surprised that it took our government this long to form the Cyber Security Agency seeing as cyber attacks and cyber terrorism have been on the rise for some years now, where even commercial entities are not spared as in the case of the recent Sony hacking in the US. One of the top priorities should be to ensure that all our military defence systems are completely impervious to hackers. These days, everything is controlled by technology so it is imperative that the military’s internal online systems are impenetrable to hackers or even viruses that can cause the system to malfunction or shut down altogether.
It goes without saying that all government websites, particularly those that obtain personal data and incorporate payment services, should also be fortified with a level of security that makes it impossible to hack. This is a natural expectation of all citizens, who may share their personal data and credit card details when using these e-services on a daily basis.
Ronald Lee
Managing Director
PrimeStaff Management Services Pte Ltd