Budget wish list
The Business TimesView From The Top
Published: 21 Mar 2016
As a business leader, what would you like to see in the upcoming budget
SINGAPORE is facing anaemic growth, with preliminary estimates at 2.1 per cent for last year. This is the weakest since 2009.
Due to the uncertain global economic outlook and China’s slowing economy, the key focus of the Budget should thus be on stimulating the economy because without strong economic performance, Singapore will not have the means to provide the necessary social benefits for citizens.
We need to strengthen our pro-business policies to enhance Singapore’s attractiveness as a business and financial hub. This can be done by reviewing the existing tax incentives for companies as well as tweaking certain policies to promote business growth across the board.
More assistance should be given to help SMEs, especially, defray rising business costs and compete in a tight labour market so that they can remain viable and in business, as SME’s provide jobs for up to 80 per cent of Singaporeans.
Ronald Lee
Managing Director
PrimeStaff Management Services Pte Ltd