Defending against terrorism

The Business Times
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Published: 11 Apr 2016

How should the business sector help keep Singapore’s commercial buildings and public premises terror-proof?

ERHAPS aiming for public premises (especially open spaces) to be “terror-proof” might be a bit of a stretch, as there is always a risk. The objective should be to mitigate those risks as far as possible.

For a start, perhaps some basic security measures should be made mandatory for commercial buildings. This includes installing closed-circuit surveillance systems and ensuring that security guards are trained on the protocols of what to do in the event of a terrorist alert or attack.

Next would then be to fortify the integrity of all existing buildings. New building designs and construction should introduce the use of materials that are blast-resistant, fireproof, and so on.

Costs aside, I think building owners have a responsibility to their tenants and occupants to do what they can to ensure the safety and security of their premises.

Ronald Lee
Managing Director
PrimeStaff Management Services Pte Ltd

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