In the driver’s seat
The Business TimesView From The Top
Published: 6 Mar 2017
How far do you as a corporate leader take in views from others in running your business? How do you draw from the latest and best out there?
I AM a firm believer in decentralising leadership competencies within PrimeStaff and encouraging diversity of views in decision-making.
Having run PrimeStaff for 23 years, my current focus is now on grooming and empowering the next generation of leaders for the company.
We have a strong succession plan in place backed by a solid senior management team which I consult with frequently on business matters.
I believe this is particularly important for SMEs run by their founders, and it is a key differentiating factor that ensures continuity for the business, inspires confidence amongst our customers as well as provides opportunities for career progression that our staff can aspire to.
Ronald Lee
Managing Director
PrimeStaff Management Services Pte Ltd