In the driver’s seat

The Business Times
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Published: 10 Oct 2016

How should Singapore tackle the looming problem of diabetes?

STRONG business acumen with a proven business track record are a given to make it to the C-suite, along with well-rounded experience including cross-functional stints and overseas exposure.

As an individual climbs the corporate ladder, however, technical and functional expertise begin to matter less than leadership skills.

Fundamentally, corporate leaders need to inspire their workforce to want to perform their best for the company. The biggest and most successful brands in the world are helmed by inspirational leaders such as the late Steve Jobs and Richard Branson. Any corporate executive eyeing the C-suite should therefore aspire to become such an inspirational leader.

There is also this growing phenomenon of the “social CEO”, where the most influential CEOs have a prominent and engaging social media presence focused on their thought leadership and even personal lifestyle and values. I believe this is an important facet that should be considered to engage the millennials who will soon make up the majority of the workforce.

Ronald Lee
Managing Director
PrimeStaff Management Services Pte Ltd

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