Man-machine team-up

The Business Times
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Published: 2 May 2016

How will robots, drones and other automated devices impact your industry?

WHILE robots, drones and other automated devices will certainly revolutionise most industries in the years to come, it is less likely that they will take over the work of our business in recruitment and human resource consulting.

Granted, there are now a growing number of very good quality talent management software solutions on the market to help HR professionals do their jobs, but we are in the business of people after all. And people development, management and staff engagement will still require a certain degree of personal touch.

Realistically, will employees respond positively to attempts to engage and motivate them to perform better from a robot, for example? While it may be possible and even if the technology is there, it will take a very long time for society to get there in terms of organisational change and adoption, and mainstream acceptance for that matter.

Ronald Lee
Managing Director
PrimeStaff Management Services Pte Ltd

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