Protecting Personal Data
Business Times, Monday, 26th September 2011
How justified is the concern that personal data collected by organisations is sometimes misused or inadequately protected? What key guidelines should the regulators bear in mind when drafting new legislation on consumer data protection?
AS businesses become more and more marketing savvy, direct marketing platforms such as e-mail and SMS advertising are becoming increasingly commonplace.
Naturally, this engenders privacy concerns as consumer data is bought and sold between commercial parties.
In view of this, it is about time that Singapore’s data protection regulations catch up with the likes of countries like New Zealand, Canada and Hong Kong that have had such laws for years now.
Personally, I believe consumers ought to have greater control over how their personal data is mined and utilised.
However, when drafting this long overdue legislation, regulators should consider the impact it would have on businesses as well. It would be an ideal if they can design a legislation that is a win-win for all parties involved.
Ronald Lee
Managing Director
PrimeStaff Management Services Pte Ltd