The Total, Employee-Management System
Published: 26 Nov 14 By George Gaspar, Certified Management Consultant (Fellow), PrimeStaff
Whether you are just starting up your organisation, restructuring it or considering a new cycle, your organisation must be firmly rooted in a foundation that comprises the following 8 Management Elements:
1. Enshrine your organisation’s Vision, Mission, Core Values and Business Objectives. This is to brand your organisation apart from others.
2. Establish the Annual Corporate Goals. State the Key Result Areas and attendant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). You need to determine the results you must achieve one fiscal year at a time, cascading from the long-term results. Each day of the year, every employee must work and achieve his Individual Goals, which cascade from the Department Goals, which, in turn, cascade from the Annual Corporate Goals.
3. Define the Departments your organisation needs to achieve your business objectives and goals. Determine the portfolio or responsibility and accountability of each department.
4. (i) Decide the Job Positions/Designations/Titles needed for each department.
(ii) Create the Organisation Chart of each department.
(iii) Integrate all these to form the consolidated Corporate Organisation Chart.
Employee engagement, loyalty, etc. all rest on this organisation foundation. Reliable employees need and want to know the team they belong to and must serve; their supervisors, peers and supervisees. They must realise that all these teams (departments) merge into one team – your organisation.
5. Write the Job Description of every job title of each department.
Every employee must be informed of this job responsibility (job description) to contribute as a team member. He/She wants to be engaged in his/her work but how can he/she be engaged if his/her job description is not defined to him/her? How does he/she then commit to his/her individual goals and KPIs? How does he/she team up and with whom? Without a Job Title with Job Description, every employee is faceless, listless and anonymous.
6. Write the Work Competencies of each job description. The work competencies span two categories.
1) Managerial Competencies and
2) Technical Competencies
To work as per the Job Description, reliable Employees (Leaders + Workers) must be continuously enabled and upgraded with the relevant Knowledge + Skills + Values. For every job, there are two sets of competencies: Managerial and Technical.
7. Conduct a full Job Evaluation of the various benchmark jobs to arrive at internal equity among jobs across departments.
To ensure that there is internal equity in salary administration, start by asking a few questions. Are salary grades related to job importance? Are jobholders paid compatible with the market for similar job positions?
8. Determine the HR practices your organisation needs.
With the above decided, you have laid down the results your organisation must achieve, you have set your organisation structure, and you have clarified the respective work to be done by department and individual. You would have highlighted to your organisation the better Employees (Leaders + Workers). Next, you must be prepared to answer their question for working for your organisation: “WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME?” Thus, determine the rewards (compensation, benefits and self-esteem) the reliable employees of your organisation will need to be work-engaged and to remain with your organisation as reliable Employees (Leaders + Workers).