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The Business Times
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Published: 27 June 2016

How do you think fintech innovations can potentially impact your business, and your life?

I SEE the impact more on a personal basis, as PrimeStaff is in the business of professional services, namely recruiting and human resource consulting. Personalised service delivery is still key in our sector, and therefore fintech innovations such as new and emerging consumer-facing payments technology do not impact us.

On a personal level, it is impossible to ignore the proliferation of new and alternative payment options as a customer. I believe that it is simply a matter of time before we have no choice but to adopt them, as some of the more popular ones gain more traction.

Ronald Lee
Managing Director
PrimeStaff Management Services Pte Ltd

Important Notice (click to view)

Please be aware that PrimeStaff DO NOT operate any branch in India. Any job offer from a “PRIME STAFF” in India has nothing to do with us.
Please also note that all legitimate emails from PrimeStaff will have “primestaff.com.sg” as the email domain.
For example, xxx@primestaff.com.sg.

We want to reiterate that we DO NOT collect any fee from our applicants.