While the sun shines

The Business Times
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Published: 15 Jun 2015

What will drive greater use of solar energy in business and industry?

THE HDB represents the largest source of housing supply in Singapore so it is apt that the public sector is currently leading the way in its efforts to harness solar energy. The installation of solar panels is still in its infancy so hopefully there can be a faster adoption throughout all the other housing estates. The public sector should also play an important role in encouraging companies to reduce their carbon footprint. It should continue promoting greater awareness of eco-friendly practices among the business community.

Companies ought to inculcate a “green” philosophy into their corporate culture, as an important component of their corporate social responsibility pillar. In terms of tangible measures, the government could offer incentive schemes on the purchase of energysaving office equipment and perhaps industrial machinery as well as rebates on the installation of solar panels and other means of harnessing solar energy. Another way to encourage corporates to adopt more green initiatives is to have the organisers of business/industry awards make eco-friendly practices a significant portion of the judging criteria for these awards.

Ronald Lee
Managing Director
PrimeStaff Management Services Pte Ltd

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