Bedrock of sustainable growth

The Business Times
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Published: 18 September 2017

How is your organisation building a culture of good governance?

GOOD corporate governance is important not just for public companies but for private firms too. For SMEs, it will help ensure business continuity beyond the founder.

The recruitment industry can sometimes be marred by unethical practices. It is therefore imperative that our management and all our consultants at PrimeStaff adhere to a certain code of ethics and conduct all our dealings with transparency and fairness.

As a company, we believe in values-based governance, with integrity at the heart of our organisation’s values alongside those mentioned above.

We may not have shareholders to appease but good governance is just as important for any business as it helps to build trust with clients, as well as job candidates in our case. Being in the business of people, this is especially important for us and will help ensure the success and longevity of our company.

Ronald Lee
Managing Director
PrimeStaff Management Services Pte Ltd

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Please be aware that PrimeStaff DO NOT operate any branch in India. Any job offer from a “PRIME STAFF” in India has nothing to do with us.
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We want to reiterate that we DO NOT collect any fee from our applicants.